And in other grocery stores it works out
Last time I told you about my negative experiences at MPreis. Well, what shall I say, someplace else it works.
But let’s start at the beginning.
Today the eagerly awaited Secret Santa parcel arrived. Ylvi and Medic were immediately interested in it and helped me unpack it. My mousy girl immediately lunged at the big ball and started to play. She absolutely loves it! Thanks dear Secret Santa! Medic on the other hand was more interested in the treats and opened the Carnellos can to help himself.
Of course we had to try out the toys outside straight away. Bundle up everyone and off we were! We went to the river and there Ylvi could chase the ball. Medic wasn’t in a good mood today and didn’t want to play with the ball. Instead he was allowed to search for the treats which he liked better anyway.
We were out and about for a long time but at some time it became too cold for my taste and so we went home.
Both dogs were really dirty, so they had to take a shower. Ylvi, being a typical Labrador, is thrilled to splash around in the shower. Only on her paws she’s a little ticklish. Even Medic enters the shower voluntarily by now to get his belly and his paws cleaned. When I was wet and the dogs were dry we took a break on the couch.
I had to do some stuff on the PC then while my darlings were calmly snoring on the couch.
In the late afternoon I realized that I needed some groceries before the weekend started. Damn! Because just on that day Max comes home late from work and so he can’t go grocery shopping. That’s why I had no choice other than going myself.
As always I wrote a shopping list and thought about where do go best. Hm. There was no other way than to go in two different shops. So I decided for Hofer and a little Spar nearby.
In front of me a group of asian tourists had just entered Hofer. So I had to take a deep breath, put on Ylvi’s neck cloth and got a shopping cart. At the entrance I immediately met the first employee but she didn’t say anything. At the fruit department I had to walk through the tourist group. They had discovered me and Ylvi and pointed at us. Phew, my heart was racing. Just walk through quickly. Ylvi went close beside me and ignored one person trying to lure her. But then I saw out of the corner of my eye how he grabbed her. “Please don’t pet!” He immediately removed his hand. But for the rest of our shopping trip I probably was the conversational topic for the group. Presumably they were wondering what I did with a dog down the shops. I met the second employee in the dairy department. She was putting some things away with a big cart. Thereby she created a narrow spot where a crowd accumulated. I weaved through, Ylvi had instinctively changed sides to stand between me and the crowd. I needed something from the shelf behind the cart. When I reached for it I felt how the cart of the employee touched me. For a second I was startled but immediately Ylvi stood beside me and nudged my hand as if she wanted to say: “Hey, everything is okay. You can calm down.” I asked the shop assistant if she had wanted to pass by and if I had stood in her way. I hadn’t. Now she had seen Ylvi, too, and she still hadn’t said anything. Good. I took a deep breath and went to the checkout. Ylvi – like always- positioned herself behind me. Progress was slow. The woman behind me probably was a bit annoyed, since because of Ylvi she couldn’t come closer to the cashdesk. I heard her grumbling briefly but I decided to ignore it. The employee at the checkout also saw Ylvi but she didn’t waste any words on it. When I packed in my goods a man approached us and tried to lure Ylvi away. I asked him to stop and he was taken aback. I explained to him that Ylvi was an assistant dog and just at work. She is supposed to concentrate on me and it would be unfair to distract her from working. He understood and apologized.
So we still had to go to Spar. This time I didn’t need a cart, but I took a shopping basket. Only at the cereal department I met a shop assistant who was occupied with stocking up the shelf. I was busy looking for things and I thought that I had be seen by now for sure – and nobody had said anything. Well, she probably hadn’t seen me, because when I passed her again she approached me. “Excuse me, I am sorry, but dogs aren’t allowed in here.” She was friendly and so I answered friendly, too, that Ylvi was an assistant dog and I showed her the neck cloth – and immediately she apologized. It was only then that I realized that she wasn’t able to see Ylvi or her neck cloth from the checkout. She only saw Ylvi’s back and her wagging tail, because Ylvi was standing directly in front of the part of the cash point with the scanner. The employee also told me how much she liked dogs and was amazed at what a well behaved dog Ylvi was. Because Ylvi was sitting next to me, the leash lay on the floor and she skillfully ignored another man’s attempt to lure her away from me again. I had to grin. Ylvi had a slightly annoyed look on her face and she looked at me like “Can thet guy please stop clicking his tongue? And can I finally have my treats for ignoring him?” Sure, my mousie girl. I packed in my stuff quickly and commended Ylvi for her behavior decently.
I left the shop and concluded contentedly “Ah, there you go!”