Tägliche Archive: 17. Februar 2016

Für Menschen ein leidiges Thema: Zahnärzte Auch meine Partnerin hatte in sehr jungen Jahren sehr schlechte Erfahrungen mit einem Zahnarzt gemacht. Kurz Zusammengefasst: Sie war ungefähr 7 Jahre alt und fiel von einem Brett (da provisorisch als Rampe diente) und schlug mit dem Mund voll auf einem Ziegelstein auf. Fazit: […]

Danke an „unseren“ Zahnarzt

Phew, it has gotten late again. We had a great day today. Together with Rita, her two mousies, Rita’s mum and her Sam we went for a walk. First I was allowed to meet Sam on the dog field to see if we even get along. It was soon clear […]

Won the BARF book by Nadine Wolf

And in other grocery stores it works out Last time I told you about my negative experiences at MPreis. Well, what shall I say, someplace else it works. But let’s start at the beginning. Today the eagerly awaited Secret Santa parcel arrived. Ylvi and Medic were immediately interested in it […]

And in other grocery stores it works out

It was a year with ups and downs. But there were also some really good things about it: – We were able to start with Ylvi’s training as an assistance dog – Most of the training has already been financed. And we will manage the rest of it as well! […]

This was the year 2015